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Case Study: eShopMaven's Remarkable Boost through A/B Testing in Automation

Updated: May 29

Company Overview:

eShopMaven is a burgeoning e-commerce platform offering a curated selection of home décor and furnishing items. Launched in 2020, the platform prides itself on providing unique designs that blend tradition with contemporary aesthetics.


In a bid to increase customer engagement and retention, eShopMaven introduced a series of automated email campaigns, from welcome series to cart abandonment reminders. While initial metrics were promising, the engagement rates plateaued after a few months. The eShopMaven team recognized the need to optimize these campaigns further.

Strategy: Embracing A/B Testing in Automation

  1. Hypothesis Formation: eShopMaven decided to focus on their cart abandonment emails. Their hypothesis was, "Including discount codes in cart abandonment emails will increase the conversion rate."

  2. Split Testing: They created two versions of their cart abandonment email:

    • Version A (control): A standard reminder with images of the abandoned products.

    • Version B (variation): The same email, but with an added discount code offering 10% off the abandoned items.

  3. Audience Segmentation: For two weeks, half of the users who abandoned their carts received Version A, while the other half received Version B.

  4. Monitoring and Data Analysis: Using their marketing automation platform, eShopMaven monitored open rates, click-through rates, and, most crucially, conversion rates from both email versions.


Over the two weeks:

  • Version A had an open rate of 40% and a conversion rate of 5%.

  • With the discount code, Version B had a slightly lower open rate of 38% but a significantly higher conversion rate of 15%.

Learnings and Further Strategies:

  1. Immediate Returns: Including a discount code in the cart abandonment email led to a threefold increase in conversions despite a slight dip in open rates.

  2. Future Testing: Encouraged by these results, eShopMaven planned further A/B tests, like testing the email send time and tweaking the discount's value.

  3. Balancing Discounts: While the discount code boosted conversions, it also reduced profit margins slightly. eShopMaven initiated further tests to strike the right balance between increasing conversions and maintaining profitability.

For eShopMaven, integrating A/B testing within their automated email campaigns wasn't just a one-time exercise but an ongoing strategy.

eShopMaven approach ensured their campaigns remained dynamic, responsive, and continually optimized based on real-time user behavior and preferences.


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