Processing customer and prospect data are essential for a high-quality customer experience. It is, in particular, the condition for offering everyone a personalized and detailed approach, whatever the channel used.
Collect all the available data, make it reliable and valid, value it appropriately, activate it with relevance, manage the results, optimize your CRM... Below is the detail of a virtuous circle in six steps!
1- Organize the collection of customer data
Although it is not an end, data collection must be the subject of a relevant process. First, it is necessary to define the collection of media taken into account and the purpose of their use. This typically includes the activity of your customers:
On your online store
On SaaS, PaaS
On your mobile app
On social networks
In your physical stores (retail)
The actual methods of collection may vary. However, excellent multi-channel CRM software can significantly facilitate valuable filtering data.
Avoid indistinct collection of your customer data.
Without filtering, you risk being overwhelmed by a mass of unusable data.
Collecting too much data during each marketing action can over-soliciting your prospects and divert them from your offer.
2- Plan the terms of governance of your customer data
Data storage, use, and security must comply with minimum quality standards. In particular, ensuring that your technical solution complies with the general data protection regulations (GDPR) is necessary.
Installing a real Customer Data Platform (CDP) is currently the most secure option. This Platform simultaneously ensures customer data collection, processing, analysis, and management. These new-generation data solutions have, in particular, the great advantage of providing a turnkey tool for marketing departments without needing third-party expertise.
With this type of customer data platform, it becomes possible to centralize and use, in full regulatory compliance, customer data from, for example:
Your CRM
Your points of sale
Transaction history
Customer navigation on mobile
Your online store
Exchanges by e-mail
Your external suppliers and subcontractors…
Unify your customer data to exploit them better.
Among the different types of CDP, those dedicated to data unification provide all the functions of a Single Customer View (SCV). First, all of your customer data is centralized in a data warehouse, then organized and processed to become usable by external solutions.
3- Enhance customer data to profile it better
The collection, storage, and formatting of raw data should ideally be followed by work to enhance customer data. The challenge here is using the data well to draw the customer's portrait better.
At this stage, a scoring tool allows you to assign a score to a customer or prospect to define the most promising contacts. This classification can be done, for example, based on data such as:
The socio-demographic profile of the client
Purchase pattern (RFM analysis)
Visiting behavior on the website or Platform
Establishing precise scoring allows you to segment better and categorize your customer base. This work brings a better targeting capacity while improving your level of customer knowledge.
4- Activate the data collected to attract and retain your customers
You have gathered detailed knowledge of your customers' and prospects' personas and their potential and lifetime value. It is time to design a genuinely optimized customer journey based on personalized approaches.
Through CRM onboarding, you can use the data stored offline in your client software to recognize your customers and prospects during their next visit and submit to them, for example, tailor-made offers.
5- Manage the results of your customer data strategy
First, it is essential to have data analytics or data visualization software with a dashboard monitoring all the key performance indicators (KPIs) previously defined by you.
This tool is beneficial for analyzing the results of your actions individually and calculating your strategy's overall return on investment (ROI).
6- Optimize your actions to make your customer data profitable
The last step is regularly drawing lessons from your analysis tool to initiate corrective measures. This customer data optimization process is, in particular, essential for the following:
Continuously improve the experience offered to customers
Increase the performance of your data strategy
Reduce your marketing costs
Increase your sales and revenue
A single customer can use various means to connect with a brand or make a purchase. Online store, mobile app, social networks, physical store… The quality of its omnichannel customer experience depends on your ability to identify it in all circumstances and reconcile online and offline customer data.
The three key points to remember:
Detailed customer and prospect data is the key to an omnichannel and personalized customer experience.
Several essential steps characterize an effective data strategy, from initial collection to management and good optimization.
An omnichannel and efficient customer journey requires a permanent reconciliation of online and offline customer data.